THS Products

Juicing Grasses

One third of the planet is covered by grass and not one of the 9,000 species is poisonous.  Cereal grasses, or grains, are concentrated sources of carbohydrates, B vitamins, fatty acids, minerals, fiber, and protein.  Grasses and the grains they produce have been a major worldwide source of human food long below recorded history.  The most advanced civilizations, cradles of western civilization, of the past occupied land fertile for grass and grain production.  Cereal grasses offer a balanced food containing a broad spectrum of high quality vegetable nutrition.  For many of the species sharing the food resources of this planet grasses are a complete life sustaining food.

Juicing grasses capture the great vitality and energy released in nature’s sprouting process.  Juice derived from sprouts offer abundant vitamins, minerals, enzymes, proteins, chlorophyll, and amino acids making it one of nature’s few whole foods delivering everything necessary for human nutrition.  The Chinese discovered the value of sprouts thousands of years ago and in recent years numerous scientific studies have shown the importance of sprouts in a healthy diet.  Sprouts are living foods which continue to grow and increase their vitamin levels even after they are harvested and refrigerated.  For details on our Juicing Grasses Products click here.


Microgreens are seedlings of various edible vegetables and greens, grown in soil, which are usually harvested after the formation of the first true leafs.  Microgreens range in size from 1 to 2 inches and differ from baby greens which are 3 inches or larger.  Microgreens provide tremendous culinary versatility in both taste and presentation.  In addition to a concentrated intensity of flavour Microgreens provide more nutrition than more mature plants.  With tender textures and vibrant colours Microgreens help in creative presentation adding beauty and dimension to the culinary experience. 
For details on our Microgreens Products click here.


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© 2010  The Twelve Year Old Kid From Across The Street
  January 17, 2010