Corporate Statements

Chris' Personal Statement

To be involved in a field of personal and professional interest, a challenging field, to make a difference and be of value to society in a socially responsible manner while performing a service or providing a commodity of real value which benefits people and society.

Mission Statement

To provide juicing grasses and microgreens to our target market  which is healthy and of real value to customers while operating with a minimal environment footprint in complete compliance with organic principles.

Vision Statement

We believe juicing grasses and microgreens to be of real nutritional value providing components necessary for a healthy lifestyle and of providing therapeutic benefits.  The provision of micro greens grown in an organic manner is of real benefit to society.

Our Commitment

At THS we are committed to providing our customers with a superior product at a reasonable price.  We deliver this value to our customers while practicing organic methods in the production of juicing grasses and microgreens.  We strive for excellence while leaving the smallest possible environmental footprint.

Our Technology

All of our juicing grasses and microgreens are produced using organic seeds, organic materials, and organic methods in order to deliver a product with the highest possible nutritional benefits.  Our produce is grown locally with a minimal environmental footprint.

Our Culture

At THS we believe juicing grasses and microgreens to be of significant benefit both in providing nutrition and therapeutic health benefits.  THS believes in organic principles and the value this adds to our product .  We want to help make society healthier and greener.  We believe our unique position as a local micro grower not only adds benefit to our product but also leads to a lower environmental footprint for our customers.


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© 2010  The Twelve Year Old Kid From Across The Street
  January 17, 2010